The Maine Cannabis Coalition needs your help!

Sign up now and give verbal testimony on Friday April 23 via Zoom. 

Show up to the Rally April 28th 7:30 AM at the Augusta Civic Center to show the legislators you want their support! The more people we have, the stronger we are!

Please write to the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee (VLA), letting them know your stance on the critical matters. The following is a summary of the bills being heard before the VLA on Friday April, 23rd.

Please write to the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee (VLA), letting them know your stance on the critical matters. The following is a summary of the bills being heard before the VLA on Friday April, 23rd. 

  • LD1319 Creates a 2 year moratorium on the proposed department rules. This is the only bill we have this year that can fix the detrimental mess of the department and save our program. It gives us more time.
    • Without this bill, you can kiss your business and your caregiver goodbye. 

The bill would  change much of the routine technical rules in the program to major substantive. The department needs to create rules, like the process we are dealing with now with the new proposed rule change. Currently the rules are called routine technical. Major substantive rules would require a legislative review process versus the department process. This would make the proposed rule change and the last rule change go through the legislative process which gives the community an added layer and chance to influence the rules through our elected officials. 

This bill would require the department to consult with stakeholders of the community, though given the past history of the department, may not follow through. 

  • It eliminates the requirements for annual audit by 3rd party.

It eliminates the requirement for the department to develop a reporting portal to the state. This would weaken the argument for the department to require a tracking system. 

  • This bill is horrendous, we need to oppose. 
  • 3 pages of new, mandatory, costly, full panel testing procedures.
  • Makes the department create more rules.
  • Gives the department more authority to create rules for testing of their choosing regarding sample collecting, demonstration of caregiver practices, audits paid by caregivers, transportation, contaminants 
  • Caregivers can not transfer marijuana unless tested.
  • Further puts in law tracking language which strengthens the department’s argument for their costly track and trace program. 

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