Very Important Announcement

A Public Hearing for 3 important Cannabis bills is scheduled for MARCH 1ST MONDAY. 2 of these bills are very important because it promotes a more fair playing field when it comes to the corporate giants vs the little local guys. This is our chance to begin to take back our programs in Maine.

The hearing starts at 10AM on Monday and all testimony shall be made either through email or testimony through a online Zoom meeting system. It is important to have crap tons of people attend the meetings and testify. Large turnout is our strength and this power beats money and corrupt lobbyists every day of the week!!!

The Maine Cannabis Coalition will be providing talking points as we get closer to the hearing date. To register to give verbal testimony please make sure to sign up at least 30 minutes before the hearing. You must select from the drop down box “VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS” next select “MARCH 1ST 10AM” next select the bills:

LD 353 “An Act To Establish Medical Marijuana Cooperatives” (Allows us to have LEGAL partnerships as caregivers)

LD 421 “An Act To Increase the Number of Plants a Medical Marijuana Caregiver May Cultivate” (Doubles plant count up to 60 flowering plants)

LD 301 “An Act Regarding Adult Use Marijuana” (Details to be released)

Sign Up To Testify Live

Sign up twice, once for LD 3531 and another for LD421

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

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Other Ways To Help

It’s all about fair competition with partnerships (LD 353) and keeping costs down for patients while expanding our tax revenue contributions through more licensed production (LD 421). Please share this post and help spread the word. Here is the link to sign up to give testimony

Follow the Cause

All citizen participation comments must be contributed by no later than Monday March 1st at 10AM. If you are a non citizen you may still contribute if you come to Maine to get your medical marijuana.


Note: All public hearings will be held remotely on Zoom this year